Friday, March 07, 2008

Yes Yes Yes!!! It's "No No No"!!!

OK!! We're ready to present a new song from this year's mind-blowing chorus! Check out "No No No" by Voices Of East Harlem, an amazing choral group popular back in the 70's! Although they are not nearly as widely known as they should be, Voices Of East Harlem have 4 brilliant albums: Right On Be Free (the album that contains "No No No"), Brothers & Sisters, Voices Of East Harlem (self-titled), and Can You Feel It. Their music comes highly recommended!

So here's the PS22 Chorus featuring the astounding ASHLEIGH with their rendition of Voices Of East Harlem's, "No No No"!!! The chorus discovers another phenomenal soloist in Ashleigh, and she does us AND the song proud!


If you missed the posting of our chorus from 2005 performing "Simple Song Of Freedom" at Radio City Music Hall, here it is again! This is another great song by the Voices Of East Harlem (from the same album actually), and Sierra does a knock-out job on the solo!!


  1. Mr. B,
    My name is Marian Randall and I am a 28 year old Registered Behavioral Health Nurse living in PA. Before going into nursing I was a Music Therapist, and I chose to pursue Music Therapy because of Tori Amos. What you are doing with your kids at PS22 is incredible and I have completely fallen in love with every single last one of them. I was listening to your Tori covers further down the page and I have to tell you that I absolutely adore Justin's version of "Ode to My Clothes". I would give anything to have a downloadable mp3 of that cover. To be able to use that particular arrangement with my pediatric and adolescent patients would be an unbelievable blessing. Please e-mail me at if that is at all possible, and please give the children my love and adoration! You are all incredible.

  2. Hey Mr.B!!!! Just wanted to say hi and see how everything is going.


  3. great, thanks! chorus has been a lot of fun, though i certainly still miss my favorite twinnies! :) hope school is going well for you! learning any good songs?

  4. Hey Mr.B!!!!! Just wanted to say HI!!!(as usual). I hope all is well. Does this years chorus have any trips? Well if they do, wish them good luck :) I will talk to you later....BYE


  5. Hey Twinnsies!! Great to hear from you as always! Thanks for asking about the chorus!! We actually just got back tonight from a performance for Women In History month, and the kids rocked! Hope to hear more from you about how school and pennsylvania are treating you two! Tell mom, dad, Edwin, and the little guy too that I hope they're doing well too!


  6. hey mr.b! oh how i miss the days at ps22. they were amazing. i am having fun at is51 too though!the best thing happened on friday. i am in arista so i tried out for a song with 3 people singing in it! guess what? i got chosen to sing at the arista ceremony! its a really high song.i was really happy!

  7. congrats ziha!! i am so proud of you! you are doing such wonderful things in intermediate school, and really making us all proud of you! can't wait to hear about the performance!!!

  8. Hello Mr. B! I recent;ly talked to a former member of yours, her name is Davoya King. She told me to send you her wishes and she want to wish you the best of success for you and the soon to be Chorus of 2014!!!
    Thanks:PS22 Chorus Biggest Fan: Marcus


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-- MGMT. :)

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