Friday, January 25, 2008

More American Idol.....

With all the excitement about the new season of American Idol (as well as our new video of Renaldo Lapuz's, "I Am Your Brother" which has been getting a lot of internet attention -- over 3000 views in only 3 days!!), I decided to add a new link to the sidebar of the blog for highlights from our OWN American Idol competitions from 2003 and 2005. Both shows featured some mind-blowing talent and performances!

To celebrate the debut of our new showcase feature, here is a newly added clip of Noshavyah's amazing audition of the Deniece Williams classic, "Silly" from 2003. BRILLIANT!


  1. hey its destiny i was on the website i saw the chorus.THEY ARE AMAZING.

  2. thanks destiny! they are indeed! :)

  3. wowww Mr. B its been soo long since i moved its Salman F.(its ok if you have to look it up...hah around 2001). Its awsome wat ur doing with the kids the sites very interestin ive been on it longer than i should but it was worth it. I saw the vids of my class and all those songs "peace on earth" and "Sometimes I" and many more...i luv that song i was hummin it the other day...its awsum how u met Tori Amos...your doin big things Mr. B..keep it up! You were prolly my favorite teach and i c u prolly still are for the newer kids...awsum

  4. Wow, Salman! So cool to hear from you after all these years!! Of course I remember you! Man, you must be a junior in high school now??? Crazy how time flies!! Anyway, I really appreciate your message and I hope that you'll stay in touch!


  5. heyy mr.b its ayah member me in mrs catinzano class say hi for me

  6. Hi Ayah! Great to hear from you! I'll make sure to give Miss Catanzano your message!


  7. Heyy Mr.B!

    I hope you remember your chorus from 03!
    Its Eric Cuevas, and my twin brother Lucas.
    I can't believe Im talking to you again. I can see that the chorus is doing better than ever, and I miss S.I. I cant believe you got Tori Amos to hear you guys sing. I always remember you talking about wanting her to listen to you guys sing.
    I now in in PA and Im in a band with my brother (Im lead Guitar, He plays Drums). To be honest, after seeing you play the guitar in my last year at P.S.22, I decided to take up guitar as well, and now its been playing for around 5-6 years.

    Anyway, thanks for being the best music teacher ever, and I will always remember everything.

    From an original Graniteville (not Diabase) Student,
    Eric Cuevas

  8. hi eric!

    how cool to hear from you!! and of course i remember you! thanks for taking the time to say hello, and i really appreciate all your kind words about the chorus and our tori amos experience! yes, it was the coolest day of my life for sure!!

    best part of your note was hearing that i inspired you to learn how to play the guitar! that really means a lot to me, eric -- and i really appreciate you telling me that. i would love to hear some of the music you and your brother are working on, so if you have any mp3s, please send 'em on!

    say hello to lucas for me and please keep in touch! thanks again for the message!

    mr. b


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-- MGMT. :)

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