Monday, November 26, 2007

PS22 Chorus 2003 Classic Holiday Show Performance

Tiana & Zoisa open the show oh so adorably with, "Gee Whiz! It's Christmas" by Carla Thomas!

Clive's immortal performance of "Back Door Santa"!!

Dritan does his awesome Chanukah rap for Esa Enai, a Hebrew traditional.

Shaina kissin' up to Santa, with her spot on singing of "(Back Door) Santa Baby"!

Deon gets majorly dissed by Santa and sings his "Christmas Blues", which he wrote himself! Afterwards he sings the song he performed in our 2003 American Idol competition, Anquette's "I Will Always Be There For You".

Here's another version of "I Will Always Be There For You" which I like even better!


  1. hey spitter b is this early enough for you

    from, ISAAC

  2. so hey mr.b i wanna visit you so if your gonna be there on thursday plzzz tell me i wanna see u i miss you i sing better now lol


  3. hey amanda,

    i wrote you back on the 2005 american idol page. :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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