Monday, November 05, 2007

2 More Classic American Idol Performances!

Two more performances from our original American Idol competition have been added to our 2003 American Idol page.

First, here is the winner of the 5th grade chorus member category, Farouk, singing "Hush Lil' Lady", the great song by Corey and Lil' Romeo!

And here is little Zaria in kindergarten when she stole the show with her amazing performance of the spiritual, "Do Lord". No surprise that Zaria is currently a star member of this year's PS22 Chorus!

For more classic American Idol 2003 highlights, click here.

For highlights of our 2005 American Idol 2 competition, click here.


  1. Happy Veterans day!

  2. Bravo! Bravo! She has grown so so much!

  3. yeah, and unfortunately, so have i. or at least my belly....


  4. Hey Mr.B!!How is everything? good i hope. Well we are just saying hhhhiiii:)

  5. always happy to get a hello from my favorite twinnies!


  6. hey mr.b thank you sooooooooooo much for taking us on the trip today !

    your chorus member
    Amber :)

  7. hi amber!! thank YOU for the great job you did! the audience loved you!!!



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-- MGMT. :)

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