Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The PS22 Chorus of 2007-8 Is Preparing For A Long-Anticipated Debut!

The new PS22 Chorus altos chillin' on break, and Quahiem trying to steal my job!

Well it's safe to say that this year is off to an AMAZING start right from the get-go! The new fifth grade chorus members are sounding like they've been doing their thing for ages now, and, astoundingly, they've only been together for less than a month! They are not going to disappoint all those whom await their debut.

Speaking of which, The PS22 Chorus is already in demand, and are booked for 2 performances! The first is the annual Reading Volunteers Breakfast on Tuesday, October 16th. Then on Thursday, October 18th at 12:00 noon, they will be performing at Tribute WTC 9/11 Visitor Center, the World Trade Center museum where video excerpts from our award-winning September 11th docu-drama are currently being exhibited. For directions and more information on Tribute WTC, click on the above link to the museum. The chorus is deeply honored to have the opportunity to sing and be featured at this awe-inspiring place. It's a testimony to the talents and hearts of our extraordinary students.

So here's to another great year for the all-new PS22 Chorus!! And get ready for some video performances to show up on the site in the very near future!


  1. i love your website Mr.B, it`s great

  2. I wish you and the new 5th grade chorus lots of luck and I know you'll do great! Keep me updated on these events. I miss you so much Mr. B. I'm sure to be visiting very soon. Well, over and out!

    Mariah T.

  3. Hi Mariah!!

    Thank you so much for the well-wishes for the new chorus! If their half as good as YOUR chorus from last year, they'll be just great!! Miss you lots too, and it was wonderful to see you and the gang last Friday! AWESOME surprise!!


  4. Heyy M.r B .hows everything ? Is the new chorus good?well i noe there not better then us !!Im just playin.there really lucky to be in chorus
    so how r they doing ?
    Hows Ms.catanzano,Mrs.donath,Mrs.burns and evry1 else ?I miss u guyz soo much !!

    Good luck !!
    Wish u guyz the very best of all!

  5. hey mr b its isaac hicks i just cameto say hi!

  6. hey isaac! glad you found the blog!! we'll be seeing you and your chorus up here soon, eh?


  7. hey,'s matthew philp just wanted to say hi

  8. hey matthew! glad to see you on the blog!


  9. hey mr b. it's jessica, the chorus sounds great. see you on tuesday!

  10. thanks jess! the chorus is pretty awesome, i definitely agree! see ya tuesday!


  11. Did U have fun on the trip, Mr. B? How was the chorus? You must tell me all about it!

    P.S. Don't forget if you could put that song that justin made with me that you showed to me before, that would be awesome. I just want to hear it again. I love it!
    Mariah T.

  12. hi mariah!

    sorry i didn't get the song posted yet, it's been a busy week, but i promise it will be up soon! the trip was great today, thanks! the new chorus sounded wonderful and i'll be posting some footage sometime this weekend!


  13. hey ridmila!

    sorry you're comment got lost in the shuffle! the new chorus is great, but of course they can't replace you guys, my tori-chorus-posse will always have a special place! everyone at 22 is doing well, except for the fact that we all miss you!!



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-- MGMT. :)

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