Wednesday, July 04, 2007

THE TOP 11 PS22 CHORUS VIDEOS!! Happy 4th!!

Just for fun......

To celebrate July 4th chorus-style, check out the TOP 11 most viewed PS22 Chorus videos on the internet. If your choice isn't up here, well..... KEEP WATCHING IT OVER AND OVER, AND DON'T EAT OR SLEEP UNTIL IT'S #1.... I'm kidding, kids. Please don't try this at home. ;) I think the videos that seemed to go "viral" are great, but there are many personal favorites not on this list. There are many that are -- starting with....


Academy Award Winner MARCIA GAY HARDEN sings her praises to the chorus, AND teaches Justin a lesson!

VIEWS: 9,224


Tori's Not The Red Baron, sung to utter perfection by DAVID in 2003!

VIEWS: 10,119


The Chorus of 2006 featuring the always-astounding JUSTIN singing Lift Every Voice & Sing!

VIEWS: 11,973


The entire Graduating Class of 2001 sings TWINKLE by TORI AMOS, poignantly.

VIEWS: 13,699


Highlights from the PS22 2003 American Idol Auditions!!

VIEWS: 15,076


The PS22 Chorus of 2005 featuring the unbelievable voice of BEN sings NOW BEHOLD THE LAMB by KIRK FRANKLIN

VIEWS: 16,981


The PS22 Chorus of 2003 featuring Noshavyah and Corey sings a powerful version of WINTER by TORI AMOS!

VIEWS: 17,049


JUSTIN sings his heart out at the MLK Ceremony in Albany New York! American Idol Finalist George Huff has some high praise for Justin at the end of the video.

VIEWS: 19,290


PS22 CHORUS of 2007 sings FATHER'S SON by TORI AMOS with the multi-platinum artist herself at the SONY Atrium in NYC!!!!

VIEWS: 23,314


PS22 CHORUS of 2004 sings Esa Enai for Chanukah as Dritan does his legendary Latkes rap!

VIEWS: 45,580





awkward silence courtesy of Tariq, the Rab-beast........

THE PS22 CHORUS of 2007 sings DRAGON for the song's composer, TORI AMOS, and moves her to tears!

VIEWS: 79,907

All together, the PS22 Chorus has reached across the globe to earn over 461,000 viewings of its videos worldwide!! AMAZING!!!! We'll have to plan a reunion party or something for when we reach 1,000,000! With an average of over 1000 PS22 Chorus videos being watched daily, you'd better start thinking about what you're going to wear....

Happy July 4th!!


  1. Hey Mr.B,
    Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!All these videos are great:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!


  2. Hey Twinnies!

    Good job yourselves! You made it happen!! I just wish you guys didn't leave so soon in the year.... I'm still getting over my separation anxiety issues. I miss you too!!

    Mr. B

    PS Hope you're enjoying your summer!!

  3. Hey Mr.B,
    How are you? We hope your doing great. How is your summer doing?

    WE MISS YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S.Do not worry about the seperation we would have needed to leave anyway.


  4. Twinnies,

    Don't confuse me with logic......

    Mr. B

  5. Hey Mr.B,
    Sorry about confusing you with logic.How is your summer going?

    WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. Hey Twinnies,

    Summer's going really well, thanks!! Nice to have a break from waking up so early, although I really miss you and the chorus obviously. On Monday, I'll be going on a cruise with Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Burns so that should be LOTS of fun (if Mrs. Johnson doesn't drive me nuts!!) What about you? How are you and your family enjoying your first Pennsylvanian summer?

    Mr. B

  7. hi mr. b how's your summer coming along. so far my summers looking fine. i'm going to P.R SOON. can't wait. so i have to Beat it.


  8. Hi The Isaiah!

    I'm so jealous that you get to go to P.R.! I was there in February, I think you'll remember. I'm going away in a couple of days on a cruise to Canada. That'll be great, but I'd still prefer Puerto Rico!! You lucky kid!!

    Mr. B

  9. This is so cool !! I miss u! I'm glad that #1 was the video of the trip to see tori amos cause everyone was there !!!Again miss u


  10. Hi Ridmila! That's what I was thinking when I posted!! And between #1 and #3, together that's over 100,000 views for both videos together!! Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed them! Miss you!!

    Mr. B

  11. Hey Mr.B,
    It must be really exciting to go on a cruise with Mrs.Johnsom and Mrs.Burns!!!! Our 1st Pennsylvanian summer is going really,really well.We just went to Hershey Park about a week ago with the P.T.A.Then we are going to Dorney Park,and we have been going to the pool a lot.

    WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  12. the beautiful children on utube from SI. The colorful shirts and costumes as they belt out the songs blew me away. The children ar first best and definitely are creative. Better and better each time I look up to those children from Staten Island, NY.

  13. Hey, dutch Tori Amos fan very impressed by the kids! They're so cute! :D

  14. Hey Mr.B!! How are you? Good I hope. Our summer has been great so far we went to hershey park and we went to see rent on broadway. It was great. I loved it. Well i hope you have fun on your cruise with Mrs.Burns and Mrs.Johnson. Hopefully she doesnt drive you nuts. Twinnies:)

  15. Hey Mr.B this is Amanda Delacruz!I miss you so much and from what I see on youtube Justin is a Celebrity!My voice is still awsome and I love the Chorus of 2007.I know I didn't visit you this year,but always expect they unexpected.My dream this whole year without you, all I've ever wanted was to have another chance to sing on a stage and sing my heart out.But as you know I still haven't done that. There is so much I want to say in so little time.But I just want to tell you that I miss you and I hope you have a good summer.

    With all my heart,
    Amanda D. aka Aretha Franklin

  16. OMG!! AMANDA!!!!

    How wonderful to hear from you!! I miss you too so much!! No worries about not visiting this year, I know it gets harder once you move on.... But when the "unexpected" comes, as you say, I will be ecstatic to see you. You are one of the PS22 all-time greats, beyond just your talent! You have a heart of gold. I'm so sorry to hear that you didn't have an opportunity to perform this year, but your time will come. It has to -- you're talent is to enormous not to be recognized. I can't tell you how happy I am to hear from you! You made my day!! Give my love to your sisters, your baby bro and to your parents. I'm glad to see you're still as sweet as ever!!

    Mr. B

  17. Hey Mr.b, it's Amanda D. I didn't get a chance to tell you that since I left 22 I've been writing songs.Some Jazz,ans also sad songs. But some of them remind me of me Improvising in 22. That should tell me that I didn't leave with all of me,there is still a peice of me in 22.Some of the songs are happy songs. But the Thing is that they Just sit there and I have nothing to do with them. I always sing them,It's Just that I want to perform them. I will get that opertunity soon. Which ever way I do it.Well I hope you get this message.

    With all my heart,
    Amanda D. aka Aretha Franklin

  18. I have no words to descrive I have watched all of your videos the kids are great and you are very talented a blessed soul for bringing Tori to the next generation, I sent the link to all my friends!!!
    Thank you so much for making my day, I am so glad I found you guys,I will checking out on your blog often from now on!
    Lots of Warm hugs from Lisbon, Portugal :)
    Barbara G

  19. Thank you Barbara so much for your lovely comment! Nice to know we have a wonderful fan in Portugal!!


  20. Gregg,

    How in the world is Justin's awesome performance of "Lift Every Voice & Sing" at 9??!!??!?! That's insane!!!----Northern Lad

  21. Justin's pretty insane, in a good way of course! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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