Tuesday, June 12, 2007

PS22's Production Of The Student-Written Musical, "A 14 Carrot Fairytale" Premieres Tomorrow!

Once upon a time.... a school in Staten Island came together to write a fairy tale. The story (without giving away too much) has many important messages underlying its musical-comedy delivery. The play serves as a reminder not to judge a book by its cover, and inspires you to find and follow your own path in life, despite what others might think is best for you. Of course there will also be laughs aplenty, as well as an "eye-candy" set, created by Ms. Megan Massimo & Ms. Valerie LiPuma!! We thank all the children and teachers who put their hearts and souls into this project, and we can't wait to share it with you all. After you see it, we guarantee you'll be feeling happily ever after....

Rabbit or Rab-beast?

The Allisnaker!!!! (Part Alligator, Part Snake, Part Akash!)

Jester Gigolo

Peasant or Princess?

Chef E. Coli Meets The Men In Black!

Akira casts a spell over the audience!


  1. It looks awesome! Best of luck and enjoy summer vacation!

  2. yeah absolutely it's cool blog.

  3. The play was amazing and also I got a little bit of the begginning of the play


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-- MGMT. :)

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