Saturday, March 31, 2007

World Trade Center Museum Is Interested In P.S.22's September 11th Docu-drama For Possible Exhibition

We are honored beyond words to have been contacted this week by Tribute WTC 9/11 Visitor Center! Apparently after seeing some excerpts of our 2002 film (PS22 Chorus: Excerpts from "The Conference", PS22's award-winning September 11th Movie), they thought our project might fit in well with the center's up-coming summer-fall youth exhibit.

While nothing is definite yet, we will keep you posted. But they were very impressed by the genuineness, candor, and heart of the children interviewed in the documentary segments. They were also impressed with the AMAZING Mrs. Jeanne Burns, who did a masterful job of engaging these children, and allowing them a forum to feel safe to express and come to catharses. She brought them to a healing, and they in turn bring that to us when we watch the film. We are so very proud of this project, and it means a lot to know that its impact is still being felt after 5 years.

If you would like to find out more about the film or see more excerpts, click on the above link. If you would like to learn more about Tribute WTC 9/11 Visitor Center you can visit their website at: Tribute WTC 9/11 Visitor Center

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-- MGMT. :)

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