Friday, December 22, 2006

PS22's Seventh Annual Holiday Choral Concert A "GIGANTICAL" Success!

The fifth grade chorus starts off on just the right note with Tori Amos' song, "Happy Workers"! And then Eric & Josh jolly up the crowd in their own inimitable fashion!!

Dario leads the chorus and then the entire audience in a moving version of Silent Night! It was a special moment! And the audience even sung on key! How often does that happen?!

PS22 Chorus delivers on the Edwin R. Hawkins gospel classic, "Oh Happy Day"! This was a special request by our beloved "chorus earth mother" Mrs. Burns, and we're delighted that it lived up to your expectations!!

Former PS22 student Deon (featured on various previous posts) wrote this little crowd-pleaser, "Santa"! Nelson is a perfect fit for this jazzy comic tune, and has the audience in hysterics!

Breana & Lynette are hilarious as they introduce "Ode To My Clothes" by Tori Amos. Their comic timing was impeccable, and sets the stage for the silly, yet beautiful little song. Chaylene captures the essence of the song so perfectly, and the audience approves enthusiastically!!

The adorable twins, Jessica & Marissa, win over the audience with their AMAZING rendition of Justin & Mr. B's original song, "Nothing's Stopping Me"! Unfortunately, the twins will be leaving P.S.22 after the holiday vacation. We will miss them terribly, and certainly wish them all the best in their new home! Personally though, J&M, I think we have to think up a new and better plot to keep you here.... It looks like our conspiracy was not a success.... ;)

Justin & Mariah sing Bethlehem, Justin & Mr. B's original song that made a fan out of Marcia Gay Harden....

Then Justin scores MAJOR brownie points with the principal when he dedicates the encore, Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You", to her! Needless to say (if you've ever heard Justin sing), the crowd goes wild!!

And last, but not least, check out this highly amusing version of "The Dreidel Song", as performed by the AMAZING opening act, The PS22 4th Grade Chorus!! As they say, the future's so bright I gotta wear shades!


  1. I have no idea how I came about these videos, but I have to say that this is possibly the most talented group of kids I've ever seen! I was trying to get into the holiday spirit and find some good Christmas music and stumbled across these kids. I was absolutely blown away. I've decided that the song "Bethlehem" is one of my new favorite songs. I think the idea of making a cd out of these songs would be great. I would buy one for sure!!! I would love to hear these kids' talent more clearly!!! I live all the way down here in Kansas & I still can't beleive that I ran into these amazing kids! I love it!

    Wichita, Kansas

  2. hey mr.b that song is grate from malik.

  3. yo mr.b that song was realy funny

  4. you juys are awsome you should sing this song called Just one candle by Teresa jennings it is graceful and its fit your soloest

  5. hey mr.b i loved it hey that was the only song u recorded????

    if u could see u on monday have a nice weekend

  6. hi natalie! no, i have more, but the website is really for the fifth grade chorus! now that you're in fifth grade tho, you're going to see a LOT of your songs on the blog, so don't worry!! i'll see ya on monday indeed! thanks for saying hello!


  7. i just want to say that these have to be the most talented kids i have ever seen ! they are simply a joy to listen to they make me smile every time i hit that play button! keep up the wonderful job guys your doing great! :D <3


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-- MGMT. :)

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