Friday, November 03, 2006

Some bonus Rainbow Room photo/video footage!

Justin & Mariah with Marcia Gay Harden, their new biggest fan!

During the soundcheck, Academy Award-winner Marcia Gay Harden teaches Justin (and the chorus) the most important lesson in show biz! And his reaction is priceless when he finds out who is giving him the advice!! When she talks to the kids, you can see for yourself just what an amazingly kind and gentle soul she is.

UPDATE: After this amazing night, Marcia Gay Harden was so taken with the chorus, that she invited the kids to sing at her home for Christmas! Check out the pics here!


  1. your a wonderful group and i have to say not bad not bad at all i have a child in your chorus but i will not say who you will have to find out and to give you a heads up she sits on the alto side on the she sits on one of the end seats in the third row lol this is so funny

  2. Oh my god!!Your so amazing.My daughter has a crush on Justin lol. Oh and mariah is fantastic my son has a crush on you

  3. Lucky kids. You're a great man.

  4. Mr.B just to let you know that I do get mad at you call me Bannana.

  5. hey mr.B I miss you sooo... much. :)you are the best music teacher i've ever had. you tought me the true meaning of music. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SELINA AND MR.B FRIENDS 4 EVER!

  6. Selina,

    Thanks for what you said! And as far as friends forever, you know it, girl!!

    Much love,
    Mr. B

  7. You guys are great!

    What is the song that Justin is singing?

  8. thanks! it's actually a song that we cowrote while improvising! not bad for a 10 year old, eh??

  9. holllllllly crap!
    Jusin is an AMAZING singer?
    how old is he now? is he signed yet?!

  10. justin's 12 now and is not signed yet as far as i know! but he dang well should be! :)

  11. Hey Mr. B, its your biggest fan, Eileen Noonan and I am blown away by this website! The kids were awesome! Keep up the great work,you guys are really amazing:)

  12. no way!! so cool to hear from one of the best teachers i have ever met! ps22 lost out when you moved on.... stay in touch!!

  13. Hey Mr.B know im late but i really love justin's voice he is really good now that he hit puberty it has been better.. I am wondering what high school does justin go to? By the way my name is Destine LaPointe im 13 and i live in brooklyn new york not that far from you guys because my dad lives in staten island where that school is :) i hope your new group is wonderful :) love and happiness HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2010!!!

    -Destine LaPointe


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-- MGMT. :)

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