Monday, September 18, 2006

Dance music sensation/WKTU DJ Judy Torres sings with the PS22 Chorus!!!

After the stunning reception that 2001's graduating class singing Tori Amos' "Twinkle" received on YouTube (notice almost 3000 visits to the video!!!) we felt compelled to share this!! In 2003, singer/DJ Judy Torres visited our school to listen to, talk to, sing to, and sing with our fifth grade chorus. Judy, if you see this, thanks for an unforgettable day!!! Please come back anytime!

Here is the chorus singing for Judy a great version of Tori Amos' Carbon! Judy has some very lovely things to say about the chorus after the song ends. Check it out!!

Here the kids accompany Judy Torres on a ballad version of her classic dance hit, "There's No Reason For You To Cry"! This is just phenomenal! And boy, does that Judy have pipes!!! The best is to see the kids' reactions to her power-house moments!!!

And here is the autographed pic she gave to us! In addition to this, she signed personalized messages on individual pics for ALL of the kids in the chorus! What a class act!


  1. Chorus sounds great!!!

  2. How lucky these kids are to be part of such a wonderful school that offers these kinds of opportunities!! The kids are a delight to watch and their accomplishments are impressive! And Judy Torres sounded great!! I remember roller skating to that song as kid in summer camp!! I think I like it even better this way! The kids made it sound haunting! Beautiful job!



  3. hey can we pleas do that song carborn pleassss fram MaLiK coleman.

  4. Yooo whats up Mr.B its Malik and Tyrell. So still thinking about that carborn..??????????Alex wanted to know if he could have a solo.And u r ugly from Tyrell. Not from me malik.

  5. I'm glad you like carbon, Malik! It's one of my favorite songs too! Alex should try out for a part in the spring play. He's got a great sense of humor as well as a great voice!

    And Tyrell, remember that solo you USED to have? :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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